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Your support will mean that Arc can continue to provide its range of specialist services. 

There are so many different ways you can make a difference...

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Putting Personal Recovery at the Heart of what we do...


Arc depends on voluntary contributions to remain in existence.

A regular donation of just £5 a month could help change the lives of local residents.



Would you like to raise money for Arc?

Read about Arc's supporters and their amazing fundraising ideas and events below...


Matt's fundraiser for ARC 

Matt Waters will be walking the 5km course of Seaton parkrun alongside a host of people running in the weekly event. If you are thinking that there is nothing noteworthy about this, think again, as this will be the longest walk he's attempted since losing both his legs to sepsis in November 22'.

We are super grateful that Matt has decided to raise money for Arc. Click on the link and read all about Matt's story and please donate and support if you can.

Good luck Matt!

You can sponsor Matt at his Just giving page - use the button below



The Devizes to Westminster International Canoe Race starts in Devizes, Wiltshire, finishing just downstream of Westminster Bridge in central London, opposite the Houses of Parliament. The race is 125 miles long and has been held annually over the Easter Weekend since 1948.


Dr. Barry McKenna and Gary Wakley have been participating for the last 10 years, the the name of ARC.


​Thank you Barry and Gary for supporting ARC

Video used with kind permission of photographer. Photo in private collection.

Dr Barry
Trekking Trip

Cathy Parsons is one of the counsellors at ARC AXMINSTER and she is dedicating her annual holiday to raise funds for ARC.


Cathy and her  husband go walking with every year, usually in Scotland,but this year have decided to walk the St. Cuthberts way in Northumberland. St. Cuthbert was one of the early christians, and he eventually became Bishop of Lindisfarne.


 So what better way to go than as he would have done, on foot, and what better place to start than where he first started his ministering, from Melrose, in the Scottish borders. The St.Cuthbert's Way is now a popular walk of a 100km, that usually takes between 5 and 7 days. They are walking "out of season", we may well have the challenge of some of England's most inhospitable weather!


    Cathy said " We all need purpose in our lives, so raising money for ARC,(as an unfit lady past middle age!), seems like a great way to spend my holiday.

   I plan to walk every day for the 7 days that we are there, and try and raise £2000 for ARC's ongoing great work for the community of Axminster.

   To this end I would love you to go to our  Just Giving page and donate whatever you can"


Thanks for supporting Cathy and ARC

Cathy Parsons
Walking the St. Cuthberts way in Northumberland



Looking to get creative? Come and join us every alternate Monday - It's FREE, fun and all for a great cause! Meet new people, learn new skills and share your ideas and talents to help us raise money for Arc Axminster.


Join us fortnightly 10:30am - 12:30pm
at the Light House
(Old Marle Gallery)

Can't make Mondays? We are also looking for creative volunteers to run more social meet up's throughout the week so pop into the shop, share your ideas, discuss and find out more!


Spread the word! See you there!

  • Facebook - White Circle

You can forward your queries at the following point of contacts:

Arc @ Restharrow  | Church Street | Axminster | EX13 5AG

An organisation member of BACP

Registered Charity 1127001 Company Registration 5935857

bacp registered
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