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We realise that seeking counselling, perhaps for the first time, is not an easy decision. Perhaps you have discussed your loss with your local GP who recommended our service, or we have been recommended by a third party who might have benefitted from our specialist support....

Putting Personal Recovery at the Heart of what we do...


Grief has a unique pathway for each one of us: a profound sense of isolation and loss, a degree of shock and numbness, or of sheer disbelief.


We may struggle with a period of great suffering and despondency as the reality or trauma sinks in. At times, we may come to believe that we can’t cope with life, that we will never be able to adjust. At others, we may experience a very gradual willingness to engage with the world once more, however tentatively.


We all move through different stages of grieving at our own pace. We may need help from others but also time and space to absorb how we are feeling and to make sense of our experiences.


Grief may also affect our physical health. Some common sensations may be: tiredness, sleeplessness, nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, impaired functioning, a 'fuzzy' mind with loss of memory and concentration, etc. We may also experience dizziness, palpitations, nausea, stomach ache, muscular tension which may lead to headaches, neck and back aches and alterations in level of sexual interest.

If concerned about any of these symptoms,

or if they are worsening, please consult your GP


Counselling is an opportunity to talk about experiences, thoughts and feelings that may be causing you concern. It provides a confidential place where you are listened to, without being judged, and your point of view is respected. Therapists offer one to one sessions, usually weekly and will spend in depth time listening to you, looking at your needs and helping you adjust to some of the changes that are taking place in your life. Therapists do not generally offer advice, but work in the belief that people can find strength within themselves, better understand their pain, cope with their grief more effectively and grow to heal. They will help you make sense of what you might be going through, provide you with support so that you can work out what is important and decide upon any changes you might wish to make.

If you are experiencing intense distress and overwhelm, alongside other symptoms that might impair your daily functioning, your therapist might offer you to consider EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing).


Local people seek Arc for counselling following a painful change and loss in their lives. They might want help with overcoming traumas, overwhelming feelings of fear, stress, helplessness, sadness or even despair, guilt, shame, regrets or anger. They might need support with rebuilding self esteem, confidence and self worth or challenging compulsive or self sabotaging behaviours.


This isn't an exhaustive list, as the reasons why people seek counselling is both very personal and varied.

Click on the images above to see more Recovery Measures.


Referenced from Recovery - Concepts and Application by Laurie Davidson, the Devon Recovery Group, 2008. Original relief prints by Adele Davies, BA Illustration, St Martins, London 2017.

You can forward your queries at the following point of contacts:

Arc @ Restharrow  | Church Street | Axminster | EX13 5AG


An organisation member of BACP

Registered Charity 1127001 Company Registration 5935857

bacp registered
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